Eileen Fisher:
"Mine is the Voice of Freedom, of Encouragement, of Giving"
"You Will Recognize and Hear My Voice"
Jesus emptied Himself so that you could be made full. He said, "Present yourself, even your emptiness, so that you could be made full: full of My presence, full of My power, full of My peace. It is the hour of the crossing over for My own. Have I not said in My Word you will go from glory to glory in Christ Jesus? Those who will, will rise up and they will go from glory to glory, for I have walked among the ditches. I have found the brokenhearted, the distraught, the outcast. I have found those who felt they were forgotten. I have called them by name. I have commanded them by My Spirit to draw to My side.
"I am the Good Shepherd and I know My sheep each by name. I know every need of My sheep: where to feed, where to rest, where to anoint them for healing and where to capture them when they have strayed. Have I not said, 'I know My sheep and My sheep know Me. The voice of a stranger they will not follow'?
"Tonight, I will release into your hearts, into your spirits, into your listening to where that you would recognize and hear My voice. You will know the voice of a stranger, for with it will have attachments and conditions and restraints; with Mine is the voice of freedom, with Mine is the voice of encouragement, with Mine is the voice of giving, for I have come to give. I would ask that you would learn to receive. As you learn to receive, you will be like the receiver that hangs with the phone. I will download and download and download.
"I Now Extend My Peace; There is Peace in the Blood of My Son"
"I am reconnecting a militant army. It will be so militant with unconditional love that it will not judge nor condemn, nor will it come to try to violate, nor rob, nor ravish. Instead, it will come and be willing to lay down its life so that another sheep can be given life. For I say this is the hour of surrendering, but this is also the hour of exaltation: exaltation in My glory, exaltation in My presence. Exaltation, so you will know that you have no need of man's approval but only the hand of the Good Shepherd. For as a Good Shepherd I lay My hand upon your heads tonight and I come forth to bring back to you a future of hope. For what the enemy has come to destroy and to rob, I have come to give you back: a life of abundance, My joy, My peace.
"Now I extend My peace, for you are not at war with the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Heaven is not at war with you. There is the peace of the Blood of My Son. There is a peace of the body of My Son. In that peace there is strength, there is guidance. Know Me in stillness, and let My stillness be recognizable by those that are tossed to and fro with different doctrines. My doctrine has never changed. My own know one another by their love."
Father, we worship You and we thank You. We give You praise and glory. Amen.
"I Am Training My Bride; Hear My Voice as I Whisper to You"
The following corporate prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on October 12, 2010 during her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado:
The Father would say, "I will breathe over you My Spirit this night. I will breathe in you My Spirit this night. I will breathe upon your household My Spirit this night. I will breathe upon your nation My Spirit this night. I will breathe upon My own, My Bride: pure, holy, set aside. I will say, be a Bride. Be a Bride with her mouth open with praises and worship and adoration to her King of Kings.
"For know that the hour is late. Know that I am calling My people into the Spirit for protection. Know that I am calling My people to rise up as an army in My Spirit as one voice. Know that I am calling My people in the Spirit to be hidden for the days that will come quickly. But as you are in My Spirit, you shall hear My voice as I whisper to you: go left, stand still, speak, be quiet. I am training My Bride. Do not allow distractions to pull you out of this training.
"This is the Hour of Coming So Close in the Shepherd that My Robe Goes Over You and Hides You in My Presence"
"For the enemy will come and he will set pleasantries before you, but in that is foolishness. For this is not the hour to be foolish. This is the hour that requires holiness and a listening heart and a listening ear. This is the hour of coming so close in the Shepherd that My robe goes over you and hides you in My presence. Know that I am placing My mantle upon you right now. Come under that mantle for protection. Do not bring in uncleanliness to My temple, but let My temple be made whole. Let My temple be a place that you will tarry and wait for Me.
"As you wait for Me, you will not be disappointed. I will wait upon you, hearing your petitions, hearing your cries and your requests. For I will turn all that appears evil into good. I will change the direction of the wind of adversity. I will command the wind that has been at your face to bow down under your feet. You will learn to be wind-walkers. You will learn to walk in the wind of adversity because of My breath that is My wind within you," says the Lord Your God.
"I Am Cleansing Your Temples"
"For right now, this very second, I am cleansing your temples. I am coming, inspecting your temples. I will say where there has been defilement, My Blood is being applied. Lift up your hands, My people, for a Holy God is passing among you this night. There will be a holiness in My temple. I am Holy and I say you, too, are holy.
"In holiness, you will hear Me. In holiness, you will see Me. In holiness, you will be empowered, for you will be a holy people set apart, provoking others to jealousy who would go with every doctrine and every wind. But I will have a holy people. They will be so holy that they will walk above adversity. They will long to hear My voice, and they will not long to hear the voice of anyone else. They will not long to hear pleasantries. They will not even allow criticism to come into the temple. Instead, they will long to hear My voice above all voices.
"For have I not said, 'Be still and know that I am God'? Be still and know that I am God. Have I not said in My Word, 'Hear what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to the Church'? You are My Church. Listen. Listen. Listen," says the Lord your God.
Eileen Fisher
Eileen Fisher Ministries
Email: eileen@eileenfisher.org
The following corporate prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on October 5, 2010 during her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado: